Monday 26 September 2016


The Israeli military says it has indicted more than 145 Palestinians so far this year for incitement over social media.

Israeli lawmakers have proposed legislation that seeks to force social networks to remove content Israel considers to be incitement.

After reading this first thought came to my mind is this total violation of an individual's freedom, but after looking into the circumstances, it has been observed that sometimes social media proves to be more disastrous than useful, if we have not used such platforms in limitations and senses, one post can create havoc around the world, this realization comes only after the devasted affect.

This is the same in the case of Israel and Palestine as per the above news.

Israel should also not impose such harsh decisions on their own land.

And Palestine should also seek a peaceful means of demonstration rather than stabbing the innocents.

'Killing Humans To Save The Human', this mentality will never win.

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