Thursday 29 September 2016



  •  No cricket with Pakistan unless the terrorist problem is resolved by them.
  •  SAARC Summit cancelled - First India withdrew and then all other nations
  •  U.N - Mr Ban ki Moon - Refused to accept M. Nawaz Sharif Dossier  on Kashmir
  •  U.N. - No time slot has been allotted to discuss the Kashmir issue which is raised by  Pakistani P.M Mr Nawaz Sharif
  •  Considering to stop  Samjhota Express
  •  Considering to abandon all the air connections to Pakistan
  •  Support from the most two powerful nation Russia and The USA openly.
  •  India got the RAFALE deal according to its requirements - which was not possible  without the French Support - Hence France is also standing with India
  •  China is fearful of taking the side of Pakistan on Kashmir issue, so they refused to  comment on the issue and ready to discuss with India The Azahar Masood issue.
  •  F-16 Fighter jets which Pakistan was supposed to purchase from The USA, has been cancelled.
  •  Pakistan led the terrorist attack to make India take the decision of establishing  separate Air wing of BSF.
  •  India is also considering to revoke the Most Favoured Nation's status of Pakistan , which will result in huge economic losses to Pakistan.


Pakistan itself has suffered a lot from terrorism, and further will, if the world started considering them as "untouchable" nation.

They should stop this and focus on what they have and try to make the life of the Pakistani citizen much better.

I think now they can understand the pain of India, which they have given through many terrorist attacks killing hundreds of innocent.

Even if Pakistan do not learn lesson from all the above points it can be concluded that they have no respect and they don't care about their own citizens


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