Sunday 18 September 2016


The unit was kept top secret during its initial years. Fighters and commanders were selectively hand-picked, The recruits are constantly monitored by doctors and psychologists. Those who make it through with a passing grade are admitted. During the 1990s, this selection practice was picked up by other IDF special forces.

  • Four months of basic infantry training, held in the Paratroopers Brigade basic training base; it is part of the regular Paratroopers basic training routine.
  • Two months advanced infantry training, within the unit.
  • Three weeks parachuting course in the IDF Parachuting School.
  • Five weeks counter-terror (CT) course in the IDF Counter-Terror Warfare School, which consists of weapons training, basic and advanced close-quarters combat training, and advanced hostage rescue techniques, including simulated raids on planes, buses, and trains This is followed by more inner-unit counter terrorism training.
  • The rest of the training is dedicated to long-range reconnaissance patrol training, and especially to navigation/orienteering, which is of vast importance in the unit. While most of the orienteering and navigation training is done in pairs for safety reasons, as in every other unit in the IDF, Sayeret Matkal is one of four units that conducts long-range solo navigation's.
In the final month before graduation, cadets must undergo tests in long-range navigation, in pairs and alone.
The final four days of the course consist of the infamous "Beret March", where recruits must march across 120 kilometers of harsh terrain, ultimately reaching Masada, to be greeted by veterans of the unit and the IDF Chief of Staff, and receive their red beret.
Although Sayeret Matkal has its own insignia, it is also one of the few units in the IDF whose soldiers are not allowed to wear it in public due to its classified nature.

They are the best, as it is known that they are trained under the supervision of the deadliest MOSSAD, they are highly motivated Jews, as one religion bind them and make them more dedicated to saving their motherland.

" When going gets tough Jews pitch in "

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