Tuesday 26 February 2019


Let us take you through the events developed between India & Pakistan during these 13 days.

* Pakistani based terrorist attacked Indian CRPF convoy on 14th February 2019 in which 44 Jawan died and many others injured, the attack was carried out by Pakistani terrorist organization Jaish-e-Mohammad headed by Azhar Masood.

* Indian leadership took the vow to avenge the killings of 44 martyred soldiers who were attacked by a suicide bomber 
a resident of Kashmir trained & motivated by Jaish.

* International community put huge pressure on Pakistan to curb terrorist safe heavens and take concrete actions against them and all the nations condemned this terrorist attack, in UN also Pakistan tried to convince other nations that the attack was not carried out from its territories. But the UN condemned terrorist the attack on Indian Police forces.

* FATF (Paris) clearly stated that Pakistan is not doing anything concrete against terrorist safe heavens, the impact of it will be hard on them.

* Seeing International pressure mounting Pakistan took the Jaish headquarters in a move to show the international community that they are up to something but no nation took this act seriously as it was done earlier also.

* Indian government decided to block the excess water which flows from Ravi Satluj & Beas to Pakistan however India has not violated the Indus Water Treaty the Indus, Jhelum & Chenab river water will continue to flow to them.

* Indian government withdrew the Most Favoured Nation tag for Pakistan, which raised the customs duty on import from Pakistan to 200 % resulting in no or very low trade between the countries.

* In the early morning on 26th February 2019 within 13 days of cowardly terrorist attack Indian Air Force plane 12 Mirage 2000 accompanied by Sukhoi Jets attacked terrorist camps in POK & in deep Pakistan territory. The air strike dropped 1000 kgs of precision-guided bombs on terrorist camps which resulted in the killing of 250-300 terrorists.

It is being reported that Pakistanis were busy in sorting the alarms from Chinese & Saudis about the attack but till than Indian Air Force has struck down the targets and were returning to their bases, Pakistani F-16 also took the flight to thwart the attack but returned due to large Indian formation.

In this attack brother in law of Masood Azahar probably died, the one who hijacked the Indian airlines plane and landed in Kandahar which resulted in a release of the JeM chief Masood Azahar.

* In a probable retaliation Indian forces are on high alert.

What The Other Nations News Look Like On the Indian Air Strike On Pakistani Based Terrorist Camps.


Indian Jets Strike in Pakistan in Revenge for Kashmir Attack


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