Tuesday 20 September 2016


                                 " 17 soldiers martyred in Kashmir, 4 militants killed" - Media

I have heard the news and the first question came up in my mind that, Does the human lives are less important than land , prestige, religion ?

Each and every religion teaches us peace and love,  so the conclusion can be drawn that it is not the religion, it is the human being who is responsible for all the hatred in the society.

Now the question arises why we are doing this?

1. To prove one religion is better than other.

2. To prove our power.

But between India and Pakistan, I personally think it is an ego issue.

Generations of both the countries are the victim of this and it is evident by the recent acts that the forthcoming generations would also suffer from this.

Second reason is Pakistan's attitude towards the issue, the country is itself suffering from the terrorist problem, thousands of innocent citizen dies in Pakistan every year due to the terrorist attacks but the stronghold of Pakistan is never worried about their own people, they are more interested in India , more importantly, Kashmir.

So how can we lag, to counter the problem of Kashmir we have started Baluchistan issue, I will not name POK, as it is an internal matter of INDIA, issues raised for POK are genuine.

India is a democratic country. We do have fights among different communities, but almost all the communities have agreed all over the world that India is the most secure and open country for different religions. And history tells us that we had never conquered any territory. So we do not have a habit to instigate in the matter of others.

but how the fool and easily null we are that any outsider can divide us, this thing is happening between India and Pakistan.

While writing this I might be influenced by patriotism towards my own country, both the countries have their own visions for each other but are we not matured enough to resolve this.

People are getting killed by both the side if we are not blind enough to see no one is gaining from all this, this is an irony " we are killing human, to save the human ", does that make sense?.

And this is an issue not between us, it prevails all over the world.

This is the serious issue if it has not been thought upon our lives will become more miserable, do think for our children.

If we can rework and come up above religion and territorial fights we can also leave peacefully.


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