Friday 23 September 2016


A non-military option to neutralise Pakistan is under the scanner of the ministry to discuss, before that, happen let us check the history of this treaty in brief.

  • Calling off of this treaty was first suggested by the then external minister Mr Yashwant Sinaha to the then P.M. of India Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee                                                                     
  • 56-year-old water treaty defines water sharing arrangement for six rivers                                              
  • Being upstream India can stop the flow of water and bring Pakistan to its knees.                                   
  • Treaty give India full right over the water of the eastern river, while it had to flow western river unrestrictedly to Pakistan.                                                                                                                       
  • Permanent Indus commission was made in both the countries they meet in every after six months to resolve tiny issues. 110 rounds of meetings have been taken up.                                   
  • Further, the treaty has survived the numerous wars and innumerable phases of frost relations.                                                                                                                                 
  • The success of the treaty also lends to the theory that when it comes to water nations tend to cooperate rather than to get into conflict.

Consequences On Pakistan -

No doubt Pakistan will get drastically affected if the treaty is scrapped. Because this is the source of hydroelectricity, irrigation and drinking water of millions of Pakistanis.

Consequences On India -

  • But India will also have to bear the consequences, Calling off treaty will lead more discomfort in Pakistan as they already think that India controls its rivers. Although India always follows the rules prescribed in the treaty.                                                        
  • Pakistan desires to get Kashmir will become more aggressive to get back the water and control over all the rivers.                                                                                                
  • India alone can not handle the whole water of Sindhu if it stops the supply Punjab will get flooded .                                                                                                                                                            

  • Satluj, Indus, and the Brahmaputra originates from China what if Pakistan played their Pak-Chinese friendship card to support china to build more dams so that the supply of the waters in India can also be restricted, and China may support Pakistan so that the claims of India on China for illegal corridor construction in POK can be suppressed

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