Wednesday 21 September 2016


Indian Special Forces entered into the POK in military helicopters between 20th and 21st September and killed 20 militants across the border, total casualties can be as high as 200.

In that response, Pakistan has declared no flyover zone on 20 September.
The same has been discussed by Pakistan's P.M (currently in Unga) and their Army Chief to prepare Army for any situations.

(Source - THE QUINT)

Assumptions (trusted sources) - Pakistan is humiliated by Uri revenge and might                                                       be preparing for WAR.

Whole Trail to the Operation      

We strongly condemn the cowardly terror attack in Uri. I assure the nation that those behind this despicable attack will not go unpunished.-P.M Mr Modi

"Knee-Jerk reaction" -  on Uri Attack that some time Knee-Jerk reactions are needed. -Defence Minister Mr Manohar Parikar.

P.M. Modi  was in the war room on 20th September night with all the three Army heads and NSA Mr Ajeet Dhoval, war planning was enumerated to Mr P.M.

R.A.F.A.L.E  Deal to be finalised tomorrow @7.878 Billion $ - Supply to be started within 36 months - it will take 40 minutes to destroy Pakistan after this French fighter plane will be made to IAF squardon  - Another blow to Pakistan

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