Friday 28 May 2021

Jain Being The New Jew

My theory of Jain's are the new Jews is proved by Anoop Mandal and his community who says all the worst thing happening like cyclones, corona are perpetrated by evil powers of Jain's.

These statements like using evil powers by Jain's is totally bizarre because the community who follow the path "Ahimsa" , "Jio or Jine Do" and feels pain when any living thing is being hurt by them directly or indirectly, such community is definitely not looking to bring wrath of any kind on any thing that exist today.

However the comments made on Jain community is totally illogical, how come the people who are so smart to be called as evil can bring the destruction on their own community "Jain families are also badly hurt from Covid like any other fellow human beings".

Jain Sadhu's are being killed in road accidents are linked to them to some extent.

This is what the whole Germany thought at Hitler regime about Jews being evil.

However fellow Indians does not need any advocate to state that theories of Anoop Mandal on Jain's are of malicious intention to settle the score of personal rivalry.

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